What are the new features of Microsoft Visio 2019?

What are the new features of Microsoft Visio 2019?
What are the new features of Microsoft Visio 2019?

Last Updated on May 20, 2024 by sunjava22

Features of Microsoft Visio 2019

Any new updates in Microsoft Visio 2019? When you intend to upgrade to Visio 2019 from Visio 2016, you need to have all the features and a few other ones to complete the process.

Kick-Start diagram:

An organizational Chart, Brainstorming, and SDL templates have newly oriented starter diagrams, to enable you to quickly run the setup. Brainstorming starter diagrams, built-in database models, and database model templates are correct models for your database Visio diagram, with no add-in requirements.

NB: Learn more about the database icons, arrows, and Visio diagrams that represent the database to create wireframe diagrams for websites with other unique ideas by using Visio wireframes. This wireframe is detailed visually to model an interface blueprint functionality and content. The new website templates are designed to create a low-fidelity, design sketch ideas, team consensus, high-fidelity wireframe, etc. You can also learn about sample mockups of web design with new UML tools and UML component diagrams that display components, ports, interfaces and the interrelation between them.

New UML communication diagrams.

You need to make a new UML communication diagram that shows the communication between the lifeline sequence messages in a free-form arrangement.

New UML deployment diagram:

Endeavor to make UML deployment diagrams that showcase the architectural deployment software artifacts nodes. AutoCAD has an improved and enhanced version that supports, Visio with file formats like .dwg and .dxf files from AutoCAD 2007.

Using the update, you can import or open files from AutoCAD versions 2017 or other previous versions. By improving AutoCAD scaling with the update, you can scale the update by importing AutoCAD files. But make sure, you set the needed properties. In AutoCAD, ensure the active tab serves as the layout tab, instead of the model tab. Ensure also that the Visio drawing scale setup is the same scale as the AutoCAD viewport scale.

A quicker import of AutoCAD files with updates can speedily be improved because there are no delays while working with shapes on top of the CAD files. Following the updates will remove all delays. Ensure to provide product feedback, comments, and suggestions about Microsoft Office. Send feedback to us, on how to deliver quality products. Using Visio, you may choose new features or suggest one for us, by clicking file>feedback. Click File> feedback to give comments or suggestions on Microsoft Visio.